Alex and Jonathan are so sweet. Alex loves giving his little brother his bottle. Little Jonathan is so smart. When he sees that I am putting his bottle together he runs into his room and climbs up onto the rocking chair. He is always so proud of himself.

Just the other day Jonathan walked into the bathroom in the boys room and tried to climb on the toilet. So I stripped him to see what would happen. A couple of grunts later we were clapping for his poopoos. Of course, it hasn't happened again but it sure will be nice when he is trained.
Last weekend we took the boys bowling. They had a candlepin bowling center rather then regular bowling. Alex loved it, since the balls were so much smaller. Jonathan helped his daddy a little but for the most part we played in the arcade while Adam and Alex bowled.

We have been getting outside a lot. We want to enjoy the weather before we lock ourselves up for 4 months. The only issue is that I am extremely attractive to the mosquitoes. I basically look like I have the chicken pox all the time. Calamine lotion is going out of style at our place.

Here are some of Alex's new PJs. I got them for the winter but we wanted to wear them now. At night I have to go in his room and uncover him or we wakes up very sweaty and uncomfortable.