I also took the boys into the woods to take some individual pics. Here is Alex in a tree. He really enjoyed being so high.

Jonathan's pictures really turned out the best. He is so amazingly photogenic. This is the best of about 10 that are frammable.

We got another of Alex that was adorable in a Gazebo. He is so cute.

While I was setting up the camera the both posed so wonderfully. But by the time I ran in they were fidgety. That was about 30 seconds after we got to the park.

When the boys scattered Jonathan tested his photography skills with our tripod.

And Alex ran for the Green Giant Park.

Here are some cutie pictures from the last two weeks. I couldn't pass up this one with Jonathan's plumber butt.

Two weeks ago Jonathan got "lost" in our complex play area. A friend and I, and about 10 neighbors we don't know, were frantically running all over to find him. He was found by an older couple 10 feet away from us in a bush. That couple was actually moving out that day and gave us this wonderful kitchen.

Jonathan can't get enough of it. He is just sad that the food is fake. He is always hungry.

A couple of days ago I nearly burned the house down. I came home to a smell of smoke and this is what I found:

I think if I had been 30 minutes later the boys would have gotten to see some big fire engines up close.
Here are some cuties of Alex.

And always, the boys hungging.Oh they are so cute.