We had great fun at my parents. The boys loved making fires with Grandpa.

Grandma has the worlds best toys department in your house. So we had plenty to do.

We went on a quick journey to a lake near my parents house. It was about 40 degrees so we got all bundled up to see the ducks.

Alex pretended to go fishing. He was throwing his fake rode into the water when he fell in. I did tell you the trip was quick. Uncle Andy was right there and grabbed him very quickly. Then we all made a beeline for the car. Grandpa made it first and had it toasty before we even got there. Alex was stripped down and wrapped in other peoples coats very quickly. By the time we got home he was sweating.

Grandma and Alex bonded over he WOW game. He loved to help count down her "timeouts" as she called it when she died.

We took advantage of the hottub. Both kids love the water. One day Alex was in it for over an hour.

Here is Jonathan with Uncle Donny. He came home from school on Wednesday.

We got to help decorate the tree and I was actually able to get everyone in a pic. Let me know if you want a big version sent to you.

Jonathan and Mike.

Adam was a great help to the boys. They just love him. Jonathan very quickly bonded with him and wouldn't leave his side.

Jonathan ended up with a nasty ear infection. We were up all night with him one night. And I am not exaggerating. The next morning we took him to urgent care and after an hour of attempting to clean the wax build up out. The doc was finally able to say " yes, ear infection" and possible fluid in the lungs." So we filled him full of drugs and now he is better.

Jonathan helping with Grandpa's physical therapy.

Thanks for the great visit Grandma and Grandpa.

Here is the boys back at home. There was a slight nip in the air.

Well, maybe more then slight.

We spent 20 minutes getting all bundled up and spent less then that outside playing. I think it would have been longer except that it was snowing very hard still. In fact it still is. I think we got about 2 feet since this morning. It is very beautiful and I love looking at it. I haven't tried driving in it yet. Although, there is a good reason for that. Our car is not only buried(as you can see above). It is dead. I am going to try and get it in the shop tomorrow. Depending on the outcome, maybe Santa will be bringing me another big gift this week.
Speaking of gifts. I want to thank our wonderful friends Carol and Mike for getting us through our travels and our first snow storm. Mike drove for hours to get us to and from the airport 3 times. He also took Adam to the store. (Adam is a bad shopper for in the middle of a blizzard, he came home with enough food for a day) Carol feed him and us (yummies). We could not have made it without them. Thank you, we are very blessed to have you.