Alex continues to learn amazing things. Bill Nye The Science Guy has become his favorite show to watch. Here he shows his new talent with static electricity.

Jonathan has gotten even more cute. Of course, he is also becoming more destructive by the second. I went running one morning to find blue permanent marker all over the kitchen. Adam had fallen back asleep after I left and was woken by Alex saying " Daddy, Jonathan is being naughty" Then the next day when I left to run, Adam lost both boys out the door while he was in the bathroom. What did we learn....never let Adam take care of the boys.
Every evening after Adam gets home the boys help him change and one or both of them always runs out with the days tie on. Jonathan just thinks this is the most incredible thing.

I have an issue with dressing the kids alike. I just love it. Maybe it is due to my childhood desire to have twins. That desire has been squashed, however, treating my boys like twins is a good replacement.

We got to see Winnie the Pooh last week. The boys were a little scared at first but warmed up enough to stand near him. Couldn't smile, but at least I got a shot.

We went to a new place called Imajine That. It was a really cool indoor play area with a huge maze, slide, grocery store, painting area, jumping castle, etc. The boys just had a blast and it killed 3 hours on a day that was 10 degrees out.

This one if from this morning. Jonathan borrowed some pink shades from our friends and never takes them off.
Adam calls this look " Elton Jon".

We do have a big announcement to make. (No don't worry there will be no more Glessers running around anytime soon. ) Adam has accepted a tenure track position at Suffolk. So we will be staying in Boston for the time being. We are a little afraid of winter here but are trying to remedy that by taking a cruise in March. We will be leaving the boys with my parents. This will be our first time away from them for more then one night ever.