Here is a shot from when Alex wore it in Scotland.

We drove up to Stowe Vermont this last weekend to invade my brother and his wifes skiing vacation. We got to take the boys sledding for the first time and had such a blast.

Adam had actually never gone sledding before so he had lots of fun too.

Thank you to Mike and Carol for letting us borrow their sled. I think we will have to get our own soon. Here is a quick video.
Here, Alex is helping Jonathan relax before bed.

I couldn't believe how great this picture turned out. This is my big bro Matt. The boys just loved playing with him, even though Alex did say "That man scares me" once.

Haha mom, I got a good shot of you for the first time in years.

This is the only pic I got of my new nephew Jack.

And as for the happiest place on earth. We took a tour of the Ben and Jerry's factory. Yum.

Grandpa with Jonathan.

Thank you Uncle Matt and Aunt Robin for letting us bunk on your floor. We really enjoyed it and hope to do it again.