With my dad visiting this weekend we thought it would be a great time to take the boys fishing again. It helps that my dad was willing to bait the hooks and remove any caught fish.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Going Home to Big Brothers!
Taking home each of our sons from the hospital has been completely unique experiences.
With Alex my mom was at our house waiting to take care of me. Adam and I were tremendously nervous and we drove home very slow. I cautiously moved around, not used to the after pain of delivering a baby. And of course, we struggled to get Alex to eat.
Jonathan was entirely different. He was born at 10:30pm and we left the hospital at 8am the next morning. Taking a cab home, in which I climbed into the back and secured the car seat not really caring about the after labor pains anymore. My mom was with us and when we arrived home Adam had to leave immediately to go pick up Alex.
With Jacob, we stayed in the hospital 36 hours and left nearly against medical advice. Jacob kept gagging up mucus and the nurse was concerned, however, the pediatrician wasn't so we were excused. Which was nice, seeing as I was bored to tears in the hospital. The boys were with my mom at our home and weren't expecting us until the following day. They were very surprised and immediately began behaving like monsters. Luckily, that calmed down within a day or two.
Adam had to go back to work when Jacob was only 2 days old. It was a good thing my mom was there or I think I would have died. I still over did it but she was there to pick up the pieces when I just couldn't handle it anymore.

The first few days were surprisingly easy. Jacob sleeps most of the time and I actually have to wake him up for midnight feedings. I am sure it won't last but I am sure enjoying it.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Welcome Baby Jacob Austin!
Today we welcomed our third son Jacob Austin into the world.
Last weekend my mom decided to drive to our place on Wednesday rather then Saturday. We had loaned her our car so she had more freedom when she left and boy are we happy we did. On Friday, after a girls afternoon out with my mom and a yummy Chili's dinner early labor started at 8:30. At first, we weren't taking it very seriously but within an hour we decided it was time to call in the babysitter and get all packed up. Adam and I spent 30 minutes rearranging the car. I might be the only woman in labor ever to climb into the third row of a mini van and install a car seat all while have severe contractions. Baby Jacob was 3 days early so we weren't quite ready. The car seat were the last project and we just kept putting it off. By 10:45pm the babysitter arrived and we made our way into the hospital. I was so lucky that when we arrived I was already 5 cm. My epidural was in place in just over an hour and boy howdy was that nice. When it came time to push the nurse actually told me not to at all until the doctor arrived. 2 or 3 contractions later out popped Jacob right into my moms arms. She caught all 3 of my boys and that was the best part of any of it. All the nurses were in shock that this particular doctor let her do anything, but really she did just about everything. Even holding him while he was suctioned and Adam cut the cord. Jacob spent some time on my tummy but the proceeded to take a huge dump all over me. Although, it was hard to give him up I thought getting cleaned up might be a good idea.

He weighed in at 7 lbs 11 oz, just like big brother Alex. He is 21 inches. I can't remember what the other boys were so I will have to look that one up. Here are some pics of the first hours.

Of course, right when they arrive he had another big diaper so the boys got to watch me do my first changing.

Somehow, my mom was able to capture this amazing first family photo. I have to admit we are beautiful.

We feel so complete and I can't wait to see how our lives go from here. Right now I just want to get through the next few nights, but I am very excited to see how the boys interact with Jacob and what all Jacob learns from the boys. I will try to get more pics up soon. We should be going home Monday morning.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Fishing Take 1
Grandma Janice got the boys fishing gear for their birthdays this year. We are so very excited about this. We got Adam a license and headed out the first chance we had. Of course, being the nerds we are we thought we could just dig up some worms near the pond we were at. Nope. So we put the fake worms on and gave it a try. Nothing. Oh well, the boys had fun anyway and I think Wal-Mart sells worms.
My men sure were looking good that day.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Mario Party!
Seeing as the boys are obsessed with the Mario Brothers we had a combined Marion themed party. Here is their cake.
It didn't make it so I had to removed the top before disaster struck. It still turn out really great.

Of course, the day of the party it poured so we had to move the pizza and cake into our apartment. This is a rather daunting prospect considering we live in an apartment that is really too small for the 20 some people who came. We still had a blast. I made Mario hats for all the kids. They were too cute.

We also played pinned the M on the Mario hat. Of course, Alex, a known cheater won. But since he already had the prize we gave the next top two the prizes. This did not make Alex happy, but after all they won with their eyes closed and he with his eyes open.

Now the question is "will we do a combined party for all three kids next year?"
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Fourth of July!
Adam was home from Europe just in time for the annual Wilmington Family Fun Day Carnival. Last year we took the boys and they loved it. See post. This year since I couldn't go on the rides Adam got the pleasure of taking each boy often several times. I think he had a bit of a headache and tummyache by the end of the day.
The boys favorite last year was the giant slide. So this is what we hit first. Alex went by himself the first time but realized that it was a bit too fast, which meant Adam got double rides on the slide from then on.
The fun house was another favorite this year. I think by the 10th time through, the boys were going on their own.

Fireworks aren't until nearly 10pm here. It was such a long day that the boys just couldn't manage to wait. We did wake up Alex to watch but Jonathan slept right through the whole thing.

We had just an amazing 4th this year. Just think, next year we will be sharing it with 3 gorgeous boys.
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