Friday, February 25, 2011

7 Months!

Jacob is huge...just look at him. He is going to be a very tall boy.

You can just barely see his front two bottom teeth here. He got his first one just before Jan 1st. We are so horrible that we didn't even notice until well after it had popped all the way through. His second one came Just after Feb 1st. But that one we were on top of better.

So cute.
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stowe Vermont

My brother Matt and his family made a trip from Indiana to Stowe Vermont for a week of frigid vacation time. Personally if I am going on vacation it is tropical not below freezing. He drove up to spend about 36 hours visiting with them and it was really a great time. I didn't take too many pictures but should be able to post more when my SIL sends them to me.

Jonathan got some special time with Mamaw. She is always willing to play memory with the boys.

Cousin Jack loved the matchbox car tracks we brought with us. I think Matt was talking of getting him the set once they got home.

We got to meet my new nephew Gus. It is hard to tell that Jacob is 2 months younger. They are basically the same size.

Thanks Matt and Robin for letting us crash your vacation for a day.
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