Sunday, August 28, 2011

Summer Pics From My Phone!

While stuck in the house due to a nice size hurricane I decided to download the pictures from my camera and post some of the good ones. I am very please with the quality of this camera phone. It is good for those all the sudden cute moments when I didn't luge my big camera out.

The boys took 6 weeks of tennis lessons this summer. It was 4 days a week for an hour. I think we skipped one day due to 105 degree heat and missed one for rain but other then that they were out there all the time. They loved it, especially Alex. Jonathan got tired halfway through a lot of the classes but to be honest it was meant for older kids. I think Alex would have done even better in a more advanced class. But he firmed up the basic skills.
Our one and old major beach day.
When Adam was in Spain I took the boys into Boston to visit with our bestest friends Kevin and Kayla. I took only 3 pics the whole time. Here they are.

That is right, I took all 3 boys on the train all by myself. They were great.
Uncle Don visited twice.
Pool day!
We had several play dates with our friends the Carrieres. They have a great big backyard that is in the shade all afternoon. One time Ms Debbie got the pool stuff out. They loved it.
Jacob had his first Popsicle.
Jacob loves to draw on the white board.
For all the Patriot fans out there.
The boys dressed up the a trip to the book store. I think Jonathan is a ninja and Alex is a samurai.
Playdate at the Turner's.
Park Day!

As you can see Jacob has not fallen into the no pictures for the 3rd child syndrome. Enjoy the last few days of summer.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Walking Boy! (well almost walking)

We got out the walking toy for Jacob right around his birthday. It did not take long for him to push it around. He will go from on side of the apartment to the other, scream out "nah, nah" at which point someone will run to turn him around, and repeat again.

We have been practicing for over a week but I finally got some video last night of the progress.

I am actually really looking forward to him being able to walk completely on his own. I think he will enjoy the part a great deal more if he was trying to avoid putting his knees down to crawl.

I am thinking that he will be running us everywhere very soon.

Just for Fun

I have some time to add a few cute pics that we have taken recently.

The boys cuddling up in the morning for some TV while we all get ready for the day. Jacob usually doesn't watch at all but here I caught him with Alex. It lasted about 10 seconds.
Jacob actually draws on the whiteboard with serious intent. And the amazing part: he then will erase everything he drew. Amazing!
Adam decided to copy the Epic Mealtime people and we stuffed some sausage into a steak and then wrapped it in bacon. It was marvelous. I think we will do it again sometime.
Jonathan has a tendency to fall asleep on the couch at about 6:30pm after a hard day of major playing. Here he couldn't even finish his meatball.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Alex!

It is really hard to believe that Alex is already 6 years old.
This year his party is a week after his actual party with his friends. It meant that we got to make a quick trip to the very yummy bakery just outside our complex. This is only the second time I have walked into the place and we have lived here 2years.The older two boys each picked out something special.

Alex's big party was at a bowling alley so, of course, I had to make a cake with a theme to match.
Here are some shots of everyone playing.

Jacob missed his nap but instead gave Adam lots of hugs.

Happy Birthday to my first baby boy!