Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Flip City

Today we went to Flip City Gymnastics for an hour to check out how a class works. The boys had a total blast. Both of them were jumping and flipping all over the place. Now all I need is a couple of massive trampolines and bars and I will be able to keep the boys busy all day.

"Look at me!"


Here is Alex showing he is ready for the Olympics.

The other day I got to sleep in and the boys camped out right outside my door. I love my Mama's boys.

Jonathan loves his baby.

Alex not only dresses up like Superman, but Clark Kent as well.

Couldn't help but post this one.

1 comment:

omi said...

Wish I could flip with the boys! It looks like sooo much fun. I miss
them soooo very much.XOXOXOXO
From Omiglo!