Thursday, May 27, 2010
2 months and counting
Rather surprisingly, we have only 2 more months until our new little boy is welcomed home. We are basically all set. I do still have to paint the hand me down crib we got and make the bedding. But I am not worried about that considering the baby won't be sleeping in the crib the first little while anyway. The boys are so excited about having a baby brother. Every time they see my belly they have to reach out and give it a rub. Always telling me just how big it is getting. The one time Alex said my butt was getting bigger I quickly set him straight on just what he could say was getting bigger. We still have not picked a name. We have several on a list and at some point Adam and I will just have to decide which makes us the most happy. Hopefully, this happens before we leave the hospital. Alex got to take a sibling class last weekend. He learned how to change a diaper and then came home and taught Jonathan. It is very cute. Hopefully, they are so helpful when the new one comes. At my 30 week appointment I measured perfectly average as I have for the other boys. Hopefully, this means I won't have a enormous baby like my sister did. And I hope it means he will be one day late just like the others. If he comes 2 days early I will not be happy as I don't want Alex to have to share his birthday. I will try to keep the updates coming. As you can see from my posts we have kept very busy. I love this time of year and want to enjoy every minute of it with my boys.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Beach Day #1
MA has hit some all time highs this month in temperatures. So we took advantage and went to the beach. We met our friends Dylan and Brenden there. The boys were in ecstasy. This day probably held some of my favorite moments in life. The boys just ran free, screaming and laughing. Telling me how much fun they were having when they stopped to show me seashells they found. Even with a ton of sunscreen they ended up a little burnt so I have since gotten swim shirts to protect them.
Alex tried to dig to the magma but it didn't take long for him to become distracted and move onto another game.

The mom of our friends, Kerri, had to leave at 1pm and so I volunteered just to take all the boys. Now that we have our new van this was very easy. We played for another couple of hours and headed off to meet Kerri at an ice cream parlor near her home.

Jonathan did take a 30 minute nap on the way to the beach but that was it. I was worried about how he would do that night since he is rather finicky. He slept for 11 hours straight; no sounds from him the whole night. This is probably the best he has ever done in his whole life. I think that we will be going to the beach a lot this year in hopes to duplicate this sleep pattern.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Grandma and Grandpa Visit!
A few months ago my dad got a job in New York. So my parents have moved to about 6 hours from us. We are very happy about this. This weekend was the first they were able to come visit. We celebrated by making homemade sushi. Of course, my mom and I don't like sushi so we had chicken with the little boys. But Adam and my dad feasted.
The next day we made it out to the park for a little bit. The weather was wonderful and the boys had a great time showing their grandparents around.

I never seem to take many pictures when we have visitors. Probably because I hate being behind or in front of the camera. Hopefully, when the baby comes I can get a few more of my parents with the boys.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Boston in May
On Adam's last day at work, the boys and I made our way into Boston with him. While Adam was dealing with last minute students and parties, we went to the Boston Science Museum. This time we decided to make our way into the butterfly exhibit. Jonathan is just in love with catepillars and butterflys so I figured I would give it a chance. I hoped it would turn out better then our trip to the Butterfly Place and it did. The boys loved it. Alex's favorite part was that they had a pitcher plant.
The boys had fun looking at all the exhibits and we stayed longer then we ever had before. They are really growing up on me. I have really enjoyed sitting back and watching the explore and I think this will make running after the new baby easier.

After such a fun morning Jonathan promptly fell asleep on the walk to our favorite pizza place. The next stop was the Tadpole park in the Boston Common, however, in some crazy twist of fate they closed the area just for that one day to fix a mosaic.

After such a fun morning Jonathan promptly fell asleep on the walk to our favorite pizza place. The next stop was the Tadpole park in the Boston Common, however, in some crazy twist of fate they closed the area just for that one day to fix a mosaic.
After the carousel we went to Adams work and picked him up. The boys got leftover dessert from the party which promptly gave them a sugar high. On our way home we went to a asian food store and bought sushi fixings. So in later posts you will see our creations.
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Dairy Farm Tour
The homeschool group we belong to got a special tour of a local dairy farm.
Jonathan was really into it. He touched everything he was allowed to and some things that he wasn't. This pic was when he was given the food that the cows are fed.

We got to go into the birthing barn and see a calf just hours old. You can actually see the afterbirth hasn't been cleaned up yet.

After a quick picnic and massive booboo repair(Alex fell and bled everywhere), we got some homemade ice cream. YUM!

We had a great time and are excited about all the other adventures our homeschool group will help us experience.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sushi Lover
A few days ago we took the boys to Adam's favorite sushi restaurant. Surprisingly, Jonathan ate tons. Tempura, gyoza, edamame. Alex even ate lots of noodles and edamame. So now we have tried to get them to eat better at home and the trick...chopsticks. They love them and actually use the training one very well.
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