On Adam's last day at work, the boys and I made our way into Boston with him. While Adam was dealing with last minute students and parties, we went to the Boston Science Museum. This time we decided to make our way into the butterfly exhibit. Jonathan is just in love with catepillars and butterflys so I figured I would give it a chance. I hoped it would turn out better then our trip to the Butterfly Place and it did. The boys loved it. Alex's favorite part was that they had a pitcher plant.
The boys had fun looking at all the exhibits and we stayed longer then we ever had before. They are really growing up on me. I have really enjoyed sitting back and watching the explore and I think this will make running after the new baby easier.

After such a fun morning Jonathan promptly fell asleep on the walk to our favorite pizza place. The next stop was the Tadpole park in the Boston Common, however, in some crazy twist of fate they closed the area just for that one day to fix a mosaic.

After such a fun morning Jonathan promptly fell asleep on the walk to our favorite pizza place. The next stop was the Tadpole park in the Boston Common, however, in some crazy twist of fate they closed the area just for that one day to fix a mosaic.
After the carousel we went to Adams work and picked him up. The boys got leftover dessert from the party which promptly gave them a sugar high. On our way home we went to a asian food store and bought sushi fixings. So in later posts you will see our creations.
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