Monday, September 13, 2010

First day of school for Jonathan

Today Jonathan started preschool at the New England Montessori Academy. This is the same school that Alex was in for 2 years and he is actually in the same classroom that Alex started out in. He was so handsome all dressed and ready to go. Jonathan is my nervous, very shy kid. All summer he would say how he didn't want to go to school and that he would just kick the teacher when he got there. We ended up preparing him by sending him to an hour long class at the Y that lasted 6 weeks. And he also went to day camp with Alex for a while week after Jacob arrived. By the time the first day of school arrived he was much more open to the idea. Just a little nervous still.

Alex also officially started homeschool. Of course, as most of you know he has already been working very hard everyday for awhile now. He learned to read at three and a half and last April we started on the math. Now he is proficient in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. He has also memorized all 50 states and their capitols, has continued his reading program and become an excellent player of The New Super Mario Brothers WII. Which is my backup for when I need a break.
Here we are getting ready to say goodbye to Jonathan.
I missed him a lot and it was hard to see how big he has gotten. He was excellent his first day. The second day he screamed his head off when I left. And on the the third he was fine again.
Jacob has a lot to live up to when it comes to his older brothers. But as you can see he is super.

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