Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Museum Trip

I haven't taken the boys into Boston for a trip to the Children's museum in over a year. We had gone to the Science Museum last June but their behavior frightened me into doing it with 3 boys alone. I finally got over it and made the journey. We took the train into town and walked the mile or so to the museum. We then walked to Adam's office. Did I mention it rained the whole time? The boys did very well. By the time we were on the way back to the train station I was glad to have Adam with me. He had to carry a nearly asleep Jonathan. I missed the double Bob for the first time. But considering how hard it is to get the giant SUV stroller onto the train I am not sure how I would have managed with Jacob in my arms. Here are some shots of the boys playing at the museum.

Peep and the big wide world was their favorite:

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