Today starts the annual blog fest, where I post nearly everyday to keep Adam up to date on the boys comings and goings since he is stuck in Europe having a miserable time traveling.
We began today very busy. Alex had school, and Jonathan had a playdate. With errands mixed in. We made it to Parlee Farms up near New Hampshire for a picnic at about 1pm. The boys were so excited to play and see the animals that they barely ate anything. Luckily, we were with friends which gave me an excuse to sit and relax with my lunch rather then eat it in the field. The boys started out by feeding the goats. I really think this was Jonathan's favorite part.
We all headed out to the fields. We got to go through the raspberry fields which got me excited to go back in July when they will be ready.

Jonathan and Alex were very good at picking great strawberries. Jonathan ate just about every one that he found though. He had a bit of a tummy ache as we were leaving but was better by the time we made it home.

Here is the whole gang. Such a great group. These kids are all from our complex and we meet them out at the park nearly everyday. It really has been great.

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