Thursday, June 24, 2010

Zoo Day and Funny Rib Pics

On the hottest, most humid day of the week we decided to go to the zoo. Bad idea. But luckily, this zoo is so small that it takes about 1.5 hours for the whole adventure and that includes a train ride and some time at the park. Of course, today the boys were so hot at the park that they just sat in the huge spider web the whole time. We had fun but I think we will not be doing this while it is so hot.

While in Texas with my parents, Jonathan decided he loved ribs. Of course, my dad lost his whole meal when they learned this. I made ribs for dinner and both boys dug in with fervor.

Jonathan polished the ribs completely clean. It was really unbelievable. At least now I know one thing to bring to a bbq for the boys.

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