Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vacation 2010!

For the second year Adam has taken me on a wonderful vacation, alone, that means without kids for those you don't understand what alone means anymore.

The first leg involved me getting the boys to my parents house in North Carolina. I had to fly them to Charlotte, rent a car and drive to Asheville. It really wasn't all that bad. The boys are amazingly behaved on trips and this one was no exception.

We did start a little rough when Alex tripped on Jonathan at security, causing Jonathan to clobber Alex which in turn made Alex very upset and since daddy was still in sight he started screaming "I want my daddy". When we finally got through I saved the day with chocolate muffins.
My dad is living in New York right now so it was just mom my and brothers taking care of the boys. Which was really enough seeing as there are 4 brothers spoiling them rotten. I think the boys loved it. I think that after the trip they missed Uncle Dj and Uncle Andy more then they missed me while I was on the trip.
On Friday Adam and I met in San Diego. We both barely made it due to weather. In fact, Adam had to sell our third child to gain his way onto the last possible flight since he missed his. But once we got there and were on the boat it was no problem relaxing and getting into the lifestyle of vacation.

Here are some shots of us in Mexico and on the boat.

If you look closely at the pic below, at the far left you will see a tall white tower. Adam and I actually walked all the way over to that section of the island. It was well over 6 miles. Luckily for $1 we could take a bus just about all the way back to our boat. We ate about 2000 calories and then slept for a couple of hours after that outing.

Below is the beach that we went snorkeling at in Cabo. We had to hike along the shore, climbing over rocks and jumping over water to get there. But once we got to the beach, with soaked shoes, we had a blast. There was one really exciting and scary moment when some old guy had to be pulled out of the water. I think he was only a little shocked when he discovered his savior was 5 months pregnant. We chatted for awhile with the guy and his wife and then headed back along our hike, which was much easier since the tide had gone out.
Here is part of where we had to hike.
the trip was wonderful. Of course, you have to throw out the last day where I spent 18 hours either in bed or in the tiny bathroom. I either had food poisoning or sea sickness. Either way, it sucked. I got absolutely no sleep but luckily I had a red eye scheduled for the next day so I got no sleep that night either. By the time I got to my moms house to get the boys I was totally exhausted. I still found enough energy to take the boys to Chuck e Cheeses before we headed off to the airport.
The boys made super friends with my moms cat. They wanted to take several home with them and while I was fine with that, Adam sadly said no. Probably because he would have to take care of the cat box for the next 4 months.
The boys were great as usual on the plane. They both fell asleep. Which made getting them out of the plane very interesting. I ended up carrying 3 backpack, Jonathan and pushing Alex while he moaned. A lady ended up helping with the backpacks, luckily. Once I told Alex that we would see daddy he freaked out and started wailing. This is the same reaction he had when I got home. He wanted nothing to do with me. By the time we got our luggage and were settled in the car he was back to normal and laughing with daddy.
This was really a great vacation all in all. I completely crashed on Tuesday but by Wednesday the rest I got on the trip kicked in and I felt great. We probably won't be going on a trip like this for a couple of years but we sure will be looking forward to it.

Family Swim Day!

Since I have been feeling a lot better we have been getting to the pool a lot more often. The boys just love it and it totally wears them out so that means I love it.

This video is of Alex swimming all by himself all the way across the pool. It really is amazing how great a swimmer he has become. He has started lessons to learn the strokes a little better. Right now he has breast stroke down and is working on backstroke.
Jonathan is showing off his jumping skills in this video. He has been taking lessons with me since January. And he has gone from 3 bubbles to 2. Hopefully he will be down to 1 soon and then by the end of summer swimming on his own.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring is Early!

We are amazed that March has brought such beautiful weather. We started out this wonderful weekend getting out terrace ready for a little garden. We got two square foot gardens from our friends who are moving. They are going to be amazing. Hopefully, we can start getting some things planted in early March.

The boys were able to get some outside time while we were picking up the gardens. It was so great to see them running and playing in the sun.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby Boy #3!

When we just barely knew I was pregnant the boys and I made a chain with one link for each week we had left. Alex wrote the weeks on each one and they take turns removing them each Monday. It is amazing how fast those links keep disappearing.

Today we all got to go see the baby. Jonathan slept through the whole thing, which actually made things a lot easier. Otherwise, after 5 min he would have been running crazy.

Here was the money shot. The whole appointment I had been waiting and waiting to here them say it was a boy, hoping that maybe they would say girl instead. But alas, everyone was right. This baby will be my parents 9th grandson, and the 13th boy born since me. I don't mind being the princess a little longer.

The boys are very excited for their new brother. Now if we could just find a name that we all like. Alex is on a Star Wars kick so he wants Luke, but Adam is not up for that one. It ought to be interesting to see how old the baby is when we can all agree.