Monday, September 8, 2008

Zoo, Aquarium and Halloween?

The last couple have weeks have been busy. Adam is burning the candle on both ends. He is setting up his many classes, while trying to apply for new jobs (yikes didn't he just do that), and do research. We are lucky that we get to pick him up from the train. It gives us a few more minutes with him.

Last Tuesday, we went to the Stone Zoo. The boys had a really great time. We walked through the whole thing twice. I was then blessed with both boys taking a 3 hour nap.

Here is Alex in front of the Black Bear exhibit.

Alex is pointing to our new home.

Alex got up close and personal with native dwellings.

Today we went to the Aquarium. Unfortunately, the picks from inside didn't turn out so well with all the dark rooms. But we got a few cute ones during our picnic.

Here is Jonathan and me on the train into Boston. I was lucky to go in with Adam so I only had to wrestle with the boys in one direction.

The boys get bored while I am cooking. Here they are in the tupperware cabinet. They both can fit in there and close the door. It keeps them very busy.

Jonathan is getting ready for Halloween. The boys found Alex's Yoda costume from 2 years ago. We can't decide what they will be yet, but we are leaning towards Yoda and Luke Skywalker.

We miss everyone. Another update should happen soon. Something big is happening in Alex's life tomorrow.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

The boys are too cute (just like their parents). Does Alex stsrt school tomorrow? They are BOTH so grown up -- yikes.

Lots of love from Southern Cali is sent your way.