Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mommy and Alex go on a date

And now we are up to date. Today, Alex took me on a date to celebrate my birthday (last weekend). Here we are right before we headed out to Toys R Us and then to the new Madagascar movie. Movie was ok, Toys R Us was bad since they do not have a single Superman Action Figure. Poop on them.

So sad, here is Jonathan right after we let. He was feeling a bit left out.

Silly Daddy got him happy pretty fast.

There is really no other news to report. Everyone is doing really great. Adam is working very hard on his job and finding on for next year. Most nights he falls asleep at his computer filling out applications or writing up lectures.

Jonathan has decided that 5am is morning and time to wake up again. We had gotten him through this habit but somehow he is confused again. He is started to say so many words. Many you can't understand unless you have context.

Alex has been doing really well in school. He has been able to wow his teachers many times. Last Thursday he started Yoga class after preschool and they loved that he already knew a lot of the positions. Although he has been singing the alphabet forwards and backwards for about a year now, he can now do it completely perfect ever time. And he can even spell a few words. We also started him on violin lessons in October. We think we will call them music appreciation lessons since he doesn't pay attention to the violin the whole time just yet. Luckily, he loves it and begs for it each week.

I am struggling to find time to do my quilting. I do have my website working. The appearance isn't quite there yet. I have 3 quilts I must get done by Christmas and 10 others I would like to. We will see how it works out. I have been running more with a friend in the complex. She and I are signed up for a 5 mile race on T-day. Then we want to go for a half-marathon in May.
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