Saturday, April 4, 2009

A big week for Jonathan!

This week was huge in the life of little Jon Jon. On Monday we had a pretty icky rainy day so we were playing around all day inside. As usual, both boys ended up doing naked dancing. When Jonathan started to wet the carpet I scooped him up and stuck him on the potty. So that was that for him. He is potty trained. He won't wear a diaper and has had one accident that he stopped and finished in the potty. Amazing. He is only 21 months only. Just think of the money saved on diapers.

Also, we finally weaned him off the bottle. I know, I know. I really used it as a crutch. But he would take naps and go to bed so easily. It took a few sad moments but he got it figured out and now is back to normal non-sleep habits.

He sure is an amazing little boy.

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