Friday, June 12, 2009

Alex's School Performance

Here are two videos of Alex's class singing. He did so great. I actually didn't think he would even go up considering how shy he is in such large crowds. But he reallly got into it. This video is from our little camera. I did use the real video camera too so hopefully soon I will get the better quality shots up. I didn't catch when he recieved his certificate with the little camera since Jonathan was getting a little crazy.

I can't believe he is already finished with school this year. He will be going to the Montessori school again next year. Adam and I had to have a special meeting to get him into the older learners class. He was getting bored this year and we figured that even though he will be young he should be in with the older group. He gets along with older kids much better and considering he can already read, reviewing the ABC's for another year would be a drag.

1 comment:

Adam Glesser said...

Thanks for putting these up sweetie. I miss you and can't believe I missed Alex's first performance.