Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Uncle Donny Arrives and B-day Bash!

While Daddy left for Europe on June 1st, Uncle Don came for a visit on the 2nd. Yay! Luckily, we had a great birthday party to attend in the afternoon. Jonathan slept in the car for about an hour of it, the same hour that Alex was glued to my leg and wouldn't do anything. But things did eventually get moving.

Jonathan his first pony ride. Don helped keep him from freaking out.

Alex got his face painted. It lasted all of about 5 seconds.

Alex also got his first pony ride. The first ride he took and at the end said he hated it. Then somehow he ended up back on the pony at least 5 more times. A couple of those times he snuck on without me knowing.

We had lots of fun and now I am really at a loss for what we will do for Alex's birthday this year.

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