Monday, May 24, 2010

Beach Day #1

MA has hit some all time highs this month in temperatures. So we took advantage and went to the beach. We met our friends Dylan and Brenden there. The boys were in ecstasy. This day probably held some of my favorite moments in life. The boys just ran free, screaming and laughing. Telling me how much fun they were having when they stopped to show me seashells they found. Even with a ton of sunscreen they ended up a little burnt so I have since gotten swim shirts to protect them.
Alex tried to dig to the magma but it didn't take long for him to become distracted and move onto another game.

The mom of our friends, Kerri, had to leave at 1pm and so I volunteered just to take all the boys. Now that we have our new van this was very easy. We played for another couple of hours and headed off to meet Kerri at an ice cream parlor near her home.

Jonathan did take a 30 minute nap on the way to the beach but that was it. I was worried about how he would do that night since he is rather finicky. He slept for 11 hours straight; no sounds from him the whole night. This is probably the best he has ever done in his whole life. I think that we will be going to the beach a lot this year in hopes to duplicate this sleep pattern.

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