Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fishing Take 2

With my dad visiting this weekend we thought it would be a great time to take the boys fishing again. It helps that my dad was willing to bait the hooks and remove any caught fish.

(please forgive the sideways pics, I am on the netbook which doesn't have photoshop)

Here is Alex's first fish.

Just a couple of seconds later Jonathan got his first fish.

Jonathan just loved the fishes dancing all over when they were out of the water. He really didn't fish much, mainly he played with the worms and helped throw the fish back in the water.
My parents are about to leave me alone with all these males. We were able to catch one good pic of them all together. I was so lucky to have my mom be able to help me the first week after Jacob was here. She really was a big help and I am going to miss her tremendously.

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